MP bizarre reçu

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MP bizarre reçu

Messagepar Guiton45650 » Mar Avr 21, 2015 10:03 am

Bonjour, voila je ne savais pas trop ou je devais poster ce message, ce matin ne me connectant j'ai un Mp assez bizarre, tout en anglais et vu que je suis une vraie bille en anglais je ne comprends même pas la moitié du message. Il me parait louche..
Message(s) : 142
Inscription : Jeu Fév 26, 2015 4:11 pm

Re: MP bizarre reçu

Messagepar Guiton45650 » Mar Avr 21, 2015 10:04 am

JosephSl a écrit:How to Get a Girl in the event you Play Guitar

If you're in a band (and also again, I add the word COOL upon everything), get a type. It could ray ban outlet be with a lot of Gothic stuff (buckles, mix necklaces or fingerless hand protection), AC/DC stuff (with a uniform or a tux, toting Rock style, to get comfortable), Slash fashion (with a leather hat, aviator sunglasses, and becoming all mysterious), or maybe the guy who won't cares about his type (in fact, it DOES operates). Use your style always. If she is within your school and you use uniform, wear one thing little to mark your style. If you even now can't, try spending time with her outside school, and wear it then, but cheap oakleys don't look like you're going to a performance or maybe ended one.

Request her to your routines. I know it could be challenging to program yourself the performances, but try to invite her whenever she is free. If you invite her to all of them and she are unable to go to any, she is going to feel bad and the next one she'll feel required to go.

If you play piano or any kind of keyboard in which you don't utilize your mouth, it's still awesome, and a LOT more romantic. If it's a big piano, and you really are oakley sunglasses outlet store like a good friend of hers, invite her over, tell her "Hey, do you know XXXXXX track? 'cause I can listen to it on piano (or guitar)".

Obtain her to listen to your personal music. When you create a song, even when it is not inspired on her, however romantic, tell her something like "Hey, I've been like taking care of this song a little while and I would like your thoughts and opinions about it" or, if any of her friends knows you like her, tell her to give you the girl opinion. Try not to inquire your guy buddies, unless they are really practical, but not gay. It's not forbidden or anything at all, but try not to ask anyone but her when they doesn't know individual preference like. Your friends will tease you, along with her friends will certainly interrogate you AND tease oakley sunglasses sale you.

Try make up a song yourself, every time they visit her feel particular and cheap ray ban sunglasses even more if you let her know that she was your current inspiration (tell her that just if it's true).

In the event the song you're actively playing has a name of some other girl, FOR HEAVEN'S Welfare CHANGE IT OR Miss IT, or at least ensure it is seem like you just gone wrong.

Try not to request her to dances you are playing at, next she will be bouncing with some other guy and you will be on phase, without being able to do something about it.

If she likes a specific music or band, attempt playing that tune or a song of this band.

Learn songs from romantic stone artists like Aerosmith, The Beatles, or Tom Petty. Not only rock, nevertheless each style of audio has some recognized romantic songs. Figure out which genre suits you as well as play a song you are aware she will love.

If at all possible get a style of your individual or combine some style, so you never look like a copycat.

Compel her friends plus your friends to the performances too, so it doesn't look weird. Try them to be all women, thus no guy gets to her before you, and be sure ALL girls are certainly not lesbians or at least have a couple.

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Message(s) : 142
Inscription : Jeu Fév 26, 2015 4:11 pm

Re: MP bizarre reçu

Messagepar Guiton45650 » Mar Avr 21, 2015 10:05 am

voilà le fameux message.. kesskidi le Monsieur ?
Message(s) : 142
Inscription : Jeu Fév 26, 2015 4:11 pm

Re: MP bizarre reçu

Messagepar karl2-7 » Mar Avr 21, 2015 10:41 am

It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything. "Fight club"

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Re: MP bizarre reçu

Messagepar Guiton45650 » Mar Avr 21, 2015 10:51 am

J'ai posté ce message " au cas ou " si vous souhaitez le supprimer pas de problème. Bonne journée.. ;)
Message(s) : 142
Inscription : Jeu Fév 26, 2015 4:11 pm

Re: MP bizarre reçu

Messagepar VincRS21 » Mar Avr 21, 2015 12:24 pm

Laisse le pour le moment ;-)
Ca permettra aux admins de supprimer ce compte frauduleux :cool:

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Re: MP bizarre reçu

Messagepar Guiton45650 » Mar Avr 21, 2015 12:45 pm

ok, pas de soucis :)
Message(s) : 142
Inscription : Jeu Fév 26, 2015 4:11 pm

Re: MP bizarre reçu

Messagepar yuscht » Mar Avr 21, 2015 9:37 pm

il n'est plus là :salut:

merci pour le signalement :thumleft:
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Re: MP bizarre reçu

Messagepar Guiton45650 » Mer Avr 22, 2015 10:15 am

pas de soucis ! ;)=
Message(s) : 142
Inscription : Jeu Fév 26, 2015 4:11 pm

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